Information for Service Providers

Roles, responsibilities and expectations

In joining the collaboratives as the regional CYP IAPT development and delivery mechanism the respective partners assume the following broad set of responsibilities.
The collaboratives undertakes to:
• Work with other partnerships and the HEI or training providers
• Work with the National Project team to monitor outcomes and evaluate the project
• Become part of a network of other collaborative across the country
• Agree to develop a clear governance structure to steer the collaborative
• Provide data required by the central team to ensure quality control

HEIs undertake to:
• Assist the local partnership to select supervisors and trainees with the appropriate level of
• Support the National Team to evaluate the project
• Ensure input from young people and families is built into curriculum and delivery
• Deliver training which meets the needs of trainees living and working at a distance
• Work towards accreditation of the teaching programme

The commitment required of the partnerships is to:
• Ensure access and waiting times to treatment do not deteriorate during the training period
• Ensure that the transformation takes account of the cultural needs of the community they support
• Commit to Tier 2 and Tier 3 CAMHS, and other organisations, who are part of the project to undertake session by session/frequent outcome monitoring using the CYP IAPT dataset which is used to guide therapeutic interventions and supervision
• Over the life of the project to move to accept self-referrals to CAMHS
• Create a local steering group to steer the project locally to include health and local authority commissioners, NHS and voluntary sector providers
• Support new partnerships which join the collaborative in future years
• Work with the HEIs to select appropriately skilled trainees and supervisors
• Ensure that trainees, supervisors and service managers selected to undergo the training can attend training and can undertake the assignments necessary to pass the training
• Ensure that the infrastructure and data systems are sufficiently robust to allow data collection of the CYP IAPT data set and ensure data is sent as required
• Receive and transfer all funds in accordance with the objectives of the project and with probity, and ensure that, as NHS bodies evolve, organisations which follow in the commissioning role are aware of, understand and accept the commitment to the CYP IAPT project
• Fulfil the pledges made during their interview to involve children, young people and parents in service delivery and change
• Participate in a process of the implementation of service standards from Delivering With, Delivering Well

Who are the collaborators